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Blueberries and glasses in the hole: How not to spoil the eyes

Sight for the vast majority of people - The main way to perceive the world. Eyes give us a huge amount of information, allow us to be active, independent and mobile. In this case, the vision may be impaired, and you need to take care of the eyes - and it is not always clear how. Do I need to drink blueberries? Are eye exercises useless? Is it true that you should wear glasses - and the vision will continue to deteriorate? Does eye color affect their health? We tried to answer these and other questions about vision and eyes.

Is myopia inherited?

In eye health and vision changes, genetics play a really important role. The dependence on the genetic factor of such common diseases as myopia (when it is impossible to focus on distant objects), farsightedness (when, on the contrary, it is impossible to focus on objects that are close) and astigmatism (when vision becomes blurred) is found. So if your relatives - parents, brothers, sisters - wear glasses, then it is likely that you will have to wear them one day.

In addition to heredity, risk factors for reducing vision include age, some diseases — diabetes mellitus or hypertension, and a sedentary lifestyle. Smoking increases the risk of age-related eye changes; Of course, it is important to protect eyes from injury and ultraviolet rays with quality glasses. You should go to the ophthalmologist for examination at least once every two years (and preferably once a year); If you experience regular discomfort, redness of the eyes, a feeling of dryness and sand in the eyes, double vision or an obvious decrease in vision, consult a doctor immediately.

Can glasses hurt?

If you have already assigned glasses and you are wondering whether to wear them or not, wear them. Otherwise, there may be problems with reduced vision: eye strain, headache, and even injury. The same can happen if you wear someone else's glasses that do not fit you in dioptries: your eyes will overwork. It is sometimes said that incorrectly matched glasses can hurt the eyes - this is not the case when it comes to the eyes of an adult. For children whose vision continues to develop, the wrong glasses can actually be harmful.

The choice between glasses and contact lenses is a matter of taste. Of course, there are certain contraindications to contact lenses - but most often they are temporary, such as an acute infection of the eye or its injury. Now there are even lenses for the correction of astigmatism, the so-called toric ones. Finally, if you don’t want to wear glasses or lenses, and without them, vision fails - you can make a laser correction. With this intervention, the laser changes the shape of the cornea - so that the image of objects on the retina is clear. The operation has age limits and a number of restrictions, but at the same time it is predictable and painless, and the result can be assessed in a few days.

What drops are suitable for tired eyes?

To get rid of the dryness and feeling of sand, there are eye drops available without a prescription - the so-called artificial tear. They can contain various active ingredients like hyaluronic acid and quickly relieve dryness, redness or sand in the eyes. The choice of such drops is huge, they can vary greatly in price and duration of effect, so you should consult an ophthalmologist. It is important not to confuse the "tear" with vasoconstrictor drugs with aggressive side effects - they do not moisturize the eyes at all.

In order not to suffer from dry eyes, you need to literally blink more often - and therefore, break away from the luminous screens and allow your eyes to rest. There is a good "20-20-20" rule: after every twenty minutes of working at a computer, you need to look at something within twenty seconds at a distance of twenty feet (about six meters). This will allow the eye muscles to relax and recover. Exercises for the eyes are useful and well help with visual tension and increased sensitivity to light. It is easy to do them, and on the Web you can find a lot of instructions: usually this is alternate focusing on near and far objects, exercises with one eye closed, eye movement up, down, sideways, in a circle and eights.

And yet, does the computer harm the eyes?

In a study involving 4500 children, which lasted twenty years, no connection was found between myopia and computer and television screens. Work at the computer does not impair vision, but tires the eyes with endless focusing and refocusing; eye muscles get tired of frequent movements. At the same time, unlike a book or screen with electronic ink, the luminous screen loads the eyes with contrast, shimmer and glare. Problems arise more often if eye problems already exist, or if glasses are needed, but the person does not wear them.

How to solve a problem? If possible, reduce the time spent in front of the screen, take frequent breaks and look at distant objects. It is necessary to take care of the ecology of the workplace: adjust the brightness of the screen and arrange it so as not to strain your eyes and neck. Do exercises, pick up comfortable moisturizing drops and transfer part of information to paper or e-book.

Do lutein and blueberries help?

Bilberry contains anthocyanins - useful substances for the eyes; Canadian scientists have found that eating blueberries significantly improves night vision and speeds up recovery after damage to the retina with bright light. Two more substances worth mentioning are lutein and zeaxanthin. They create a dense light filter that protects the retina from the damaging effects of the blue part of the spectrum - that is, light with a certain wavelength.

Sources of lutein and zeaxanthin are yellow-orange vegetables and fruits (sweet pepper, corn, pumpkin, zucchini, persimmon, red grapefruit, mango), green leafy vegetables (spinach, cabbage), eggs. It has been established that eating foods rich in lutein reduces the risk of developing cataracts and age-related eye changes. These substances can be obtained in the form of food additives - but it is better to try to eat more vegetables, fruits and greens.

Do you need glasses in the hole and what affects eye color?

The researchers conducted a quantitative analysis and found that glasses with small holes really improve visual acuity and depth of focus - but at the same time reduce the image quality. Scientists have concluded that such glasses do not need to be worn while driving a car, working with dangerous tools or playing sports (although this could hardly have occurred to anyone).

As for the color of the eyes - it is due to the amount of melanin in the iris. Sometimes it happens that the color of the right and left eyes is not the same, and in most cases it does not threaten anything. Light eyes, like light skin, are less protected by melanin - and this increases the risk of their being damaged by light, and hence dangerous consequences, such as melanoma of the eye or cataract.

Are the "flies" dangerous before my eyes and how to regulate the lighting?

"Flies" before your eyes may look like black or gray specks or moving "worms" that seem to run away if you try to look at them. In most cases, they are caused by age-related changes and are not dangerous - but if you notice a sudden increase in these "flies", immediately consult a doctor. They can be symptoms of an inflammatory process or even a retinal rupture.

Eye fatigue and visual acuity depend on the level of illumination. Although there are lighting standards for different rooms, such as classrooms and workplaces, it is impossible to determine the intensity of lighting in numbers without special devices. The optimal level of illumination can be determined for oneself on the basis of subjective sensations: the eyes should not get tired after ten to fifteen minutes of reading. If visual discomfort arises, you should think about the intensity of illumination, the location of the lamps or the size of the font.

Photo: visivasnc - stock.adobe.com, eldadcarin - stock.adobe.com, Winai Tepsuttinun - stock.adobe.com, goodween123 - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: Bearded dragon goes crazy for blueberries (April 2024).

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