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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Igor Kompaniets, senior editor of Port magazine

On Wonderzine A new rubric is launched in which we will study interesting young people. The second hero in our field of vision is a journalist and a stylish guy Igor Kompaniets. We went to work at Port magazine and asked him about the football past, his love of horror and Moscow architecture, as well as gloss and foot size.

I have football, to which I have been going with friends since the 95th year. Well, you know, relieves stress, which is enough in local life, well, and lowers the level of aggression, typical of a resident of Moscow. All the hard fan stories - of course, in the past. I, as if to say, in general is no longer a fighter, I just can not fight. Though a man of an explosive nature, he always could easily get into a scuffle. Now my goal and task is to restrain myself. And this, I want to believe, I started to get. Live fast, and especially, die young - these phrases have become disgusting to me.

In Port, we really do what we want, there is no pressure from the advertising department. A simple example: I have a friend, Vlad, who opened his auto repair shop. Very folding people, the most honest rules. So we gladly wrote about him, essentially making an advertisement for his turnaround project. In the workshop of heels of young people, they collect "Mercedes" and not only of the 70s and earlier, they tinker with motards. Work days away. So we are interested in Port similar guys, people who are sawing something, repairing, etc. We in the editorial, of course, respect the IT initiatives, all these startups, when people work with their head. But when a person also knows how to work with his hands - this is what we take for the upper class.

Of course, my “glossy” work and even life had a strong influence on me: I met a girl from the fashion industry for three years, she trained me in the sense of fashion, fell in love with some brands. Now I’m not so hard on this part, but something, of course, remains.

I grew up predominantly on guitar music: the first wave of punk, rock and roll, earrings in my ears, black T-shirts with inscriptions. I don’t have the right to call myself a movie enthusiast: I stopped watching the art-house scene a long time ago, I watch mainly Soviet cinema of the 80s. Horror movies yet, of course. I love to scare myself and others. I remember as a child I hid behind the door and jumped abruptly at a passing mother. And he himself was afraid of large insects in panic, especially so tough creatures were strained, like a bearfish.

It is interesting for me to talk, for example, about the districts of Moscow. Why is it nice to live in the vicinity of Malaya Polyanka, and not so much in the Bolshoy area? Chat in the Facebook community about what's new there on the site "Moscow, which is not." Moscow studies without urbanism, so to speak. All of these bike lanes are not interesting for me, even though I understand how their arrangement and the presence itself are important for the normal breathing of the city. What else. The same constructivist Moscow is also past - I respect, but not my aesthetics, I like Stalinist architecture and "boyar Moscow".

If we talk about Europe, I like the Benelux countries and Britain, and not the big cities there, but what is called "urban-type settlements". I like Austria for some kindness of light, I like Nice - I just like everything, I like Minsk, because in the settlements it resembles the Moscow southwest of my childhood.

I am not meeting anyone now, but there is a person to whom I have serious feelings. And she guesses it. Girls are generally the best half of humanity. They are much stronger, they are creatures with the right start, they understand when to stop. Young men are either a story about self-destruction, or about premature tediousness and playing adult uncle, here one of two things, the golden mean is rarely achieved in practice. Women are the voice of reason, even if they begin to understand this only with age.

Photographer: Lena Tsibizova

Watch the video: Kalinka-Balalaika and Bayan by Igor Dontsov and Vasiliy Kompaniets (April 2024).

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