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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Healthy habits of the co-founder of the site Zozhnik Julia Kuderova

IN THE RUBRIC "LIFESTYLE" we ask different people about healthy lifestyles with a human face: talking about the importance of taking care of yourself and pleasant ways to make life more comfortable. The heroine of the new release is Yulia Kuderova, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the website about a healthy lifestyle. Zozhnik.ru

Feeling good for me - this is the freedom of movement, when you do not think about whether you master ten kilometers on foot, but just walk; and freedom of thought - flexibility of thinking and the ability to treat events neutrally, without unnecessary emotions.

I usually go to bed until midnight, and wake up at about eight in the morning when my husband brings me a cup of coffee and chocolate - this is our family tradition, because I don’t like alarm clocks. After coffee I wash my face and sit down to work. I usually have breakfast around eleven in the morning with a sandwich with cheese and an egg. Occasionally eat porridge or eat up what's left from dinner. The main thing for me is that there is no turmoil and talk in a raised voice.

I think I have a small training experience - only six years. Since I didn’t play any sports until 2011, I tried many types of physical education, from weightlifting to Pilates, out of interest. As a result, I selected an ideal schedule for myself: twice a week - strength training for the whole body, at least five minutes a day - gymnastics Tai Chi, and as many walks as possible on foot.

I dont like high intensity interval training, crossfit, running, plyometric and static exercises. A couple of years ago I was still trying to “retrain”, so I prepared and ran a half marathon, but nothing changed - as soon as I start to run, my head immediately rings with an alarm: “Yulia, stop what you are doing, do not run, do not!” Maybe the fact is that I do not feel like a winner when I do something through power. I feel that I am betraying my body and mind.

My choice - it is thoughtful and neatly raising and lowering heavy objects like weights, dumbbells or barbells. This is not weightlifting, only recreational physical education - my training activity is aimed primarily at maintaining health.

Sometimes I, as they say, in shock: I feel the most courageous, dexterous and skillful. On such days, I constantly remind myself that I should not be too zealous in training. It is now easy and pleasant for me to squat sixty kilograms twelve times, but in the end such an overload will not lead to anything good - I will recover longer. Therefore, if I am so pulled and pressed, to pull and squat "until it stops", then I cut the workout for twenty minutes. In the end, and practice as I wanted, and do not "let up".

More recently, I scolded myself for each missed workout, but the more I study the effect of fitness on health, the more I become convinced that lifestyle in general is much more important than what you do in the gym. Did not manage to go to the gym? I wave at home. No weights? I will do push-ups and pull-ups. I do not want push-ups - I will walk ten to twelve kilometers. Can't walk - practice Tai Chi. Or just eat and sleep.

Now I have a simple relationship with food: eat what i want and when i want I went through all the stages of diving in healthy lifestyles: at different periods of my life I tried many diets, periodic fasting, ate “right” and only “clean” products, counted calories, refused meat, took sports nutrition after each workout and drank creatine. These self-experiences taught me to listen to my body, and I developed food habits that make me happy and healthy. For example, it gives me special pleasure to “lacquer” dinner with a delicious dessert. Without sweet, my eyes are hungry.

The hardest thing for me is to stop wanting to be thin and compare yourself with other people. Remember the ordinary picture, where a slender girl stands in front of a mirror and sees herself in reflection as very full? This is my story. Even with an objectively low percentage of fat, I still considered myself "fat." So I had to "climb" into my head and how to dig there, so that the evil internal critic would become a good helper. Of course, work on yourself continues, but I like the course that I take.

I do not eat pork, lamb, fast food and shop sauces and sweets, because to me they seem to be tasteless and I do not like the feeling of heaviness in the stomach that comes from them. I don’t drink alcohol - for some reason I don’t have the stage "slight intoxication, everything is so fun and I am so beautiful." The first three glasses of wine I did, and on the fourth there are all syndromes of poisoning: nausea, headache, pain in the stomach. And then a terrible hangover.

I usually cook myself before each meal, because I do not like warmed food. I don’t really like to do it every day, it’s just not difficult for me, and it’s good.

I sleep at least seven, but not more than nine hours By the way, I suffer more from "peresypa" than from lack of sleep. After all, I work at home and can take a nap during the day if I haven't slept at night. But if I slept for ten hours in a row, then almost certainly in the evening I would have a headache. Such nonsense began just a couple of years ago, before I slept as much as I could afford, and my head did not hurt.

I generally began to be more meticulous to sleep hygiene, so I leave my pillow on vacation.

My daughter Eva is seven years old. Up to five years, she was afraid of water and even refused to wash her hair, and then she saw her dad being taught to crawl in the pool, and she wanted to learn herself. So, for two and a half years, Eva has been swimming and making great strides in this matter. But, of course, it is more fun, it has no sports ambitions - and we support it.

I do not know how to write fairy tales so before bed, I tell Eva the secrets of how to be healthy, dexterous, and fun all her life — she loves all kinds of life hacking. I like that the daughter is not fixated on her or someone else's appearance and clothes. What is beautiful for her is that she is comfortable, so she has a short haircut, she wears wide trousers, sneakers and soft T-shirts. She does not care that someone may confuse her with a boy, Eve is not at all inclined to divide people into men and women, she treats everyone equally well.

Somehow it all happened so that Eve is educated outside gender stereotypes in the spirit of "a girl should be beautiful and successfully get married." It grows as a free person, therefore, in the future, clashes with society are most likely inevitable. For example, I recently witnessed how her nine-year-old friend argued that parents have the right to beat children and select things, and Eva answered her: "No one can be beaten! Neither adults nor children. We can talk to each other." And somehow the conversation stopped sticking to them.

I hurt that fitness is so sexualized: we are offered to play sports not to take care of ourselves, to live happily and not to be afraid to try, but to acquire a kind of presentation. I am terribly angry stigma people overweight. This is not a concern for someone else's health: because of people who insult the full, the phrase "healthy lifestyle" is almost a curse. But I do not lose hope that common sense will win.

Parents gave me the most useful tips: keep your lower back and legs warm, my hands more often, eat differently, sleep enough.

Regarding age I have a feeling that I am at the very beginning. I do not argue in the style of "I'm already over thirty," I wonder what kind of adult daughter I have, and I am a serious aunt with work, mortgage, cat and husband. Now I feel comfortable in my body and at my age. I think it will be even better.

To unload brains, I walk alone in the city, play with my kitty Murzik, cook something grand, read interesting articles or look at beautiful pictures in interesting. Another cool helps swimming and see something interesting with Max.

I want everyone to breathe out relaxed and engaged in their own business. As my aunt Lyudmila Pavlovna says: "Do not do it, do not speak, and don’t even think until you are asked about it."


Watch the video: Innovators and providers talk about new technologies being adopted that drive healthy habits (January 2025).

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