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How to keep relationships at a distance

Text: Dariya Nifontova

Relationship at a distance they resemble unicorns: everyone believes in them in childhood, but with age there is more doubt. Meanwhile, in the United States in the LDR (long distance relationship) are about 15 million people. We have collected five important rules that will help save the situation if someone of you was sent on an annual trip to Alaska.


Skype, iMessage and email create an almost full-fledged presence effect, so by sending a picture of your breakfast to a friend in another country, you can successfully pretend that this Prime sandwich you eat together. For lovers living in different cities, student Joanna Montgomery came up with a couple of pillows that will help you sleep with your loved one, even being a thousand kilometers away. Each time you lie down on your pillow, the doubles in your partner’s bedroom begin to glow with a soft light. Included with such a pillow is a belt for transmitting your heartbeat to the speakers, which are also located in the partner’s bedroom.

Involvement in the routine

The absence in the life of an unscrewed tube of pasta, scattered things and cans of mayonnaise in the fridge most often has a positive effect on the emotional background of a person, but there are exceptions. For loved ones who live separately, shared household experiences allow you to create the illusion of living together. In addition, it is important for your parents, friend or loved one to discuss not only the new Jay-Z album and the fate of Russia, but also daily, simple events. Literally more than many, such a council was accepted by a British woman who has a romantic relationship with a prisoner awaiting the death penalty. 43-year-old Michaela calls her boyfriend Jody in Maryland every day and not only talks to him, but also performs household duties during the conversation. Sometimes she even takes a bath during such conversations: Jody likes to listen to the splash of water and the sound of bursting foam. And although we strongly advise you not to fall in love with prison suicide bombers, for the rest, Michaela’s example can and should be followed.


Relationships at a distance are also with parents - but your checkin with an unknown blond is unlikely to upset them. But the boyfriend will have to explain for a long time that the picture on the instagram is just a picture. You should not too often try his patience in this way: jealousy does not warm up, but heats up a relationship. As an instructive story about the use of technology for ugly purposes, we will tell you about the case when an American soldier returning from Iraq learned of treason using the Wii. The men’s friends had hinted to him about his wife’s frivolous behavior, but when he found an account created for another man in his Wii, he immediately filed documents for divorce. The favorite game of the cheater and her lover was bowling, and it was from the records of the night rounds that the husband received material evidence for testimony in court. Wii is good, but change is not.

Personal meetings

Despite the triumph of technology and their invaluable contribution to the LDR, little will replace this meeting. Hugging, walking together and eating my mother's meatballs is still better not looking in the little window of FaceTime, but when you come to visit. For example, the young father, Essam Saleh, drove 700 kilometers home and back every weekend — he was particularly hard on Mondays at work. In his touching essay for The Star, he told how he and his wife managed to keep their feelings (the proof is a two-year-old daughter), and ended up on a life-affirming note: next Sunday he will no longer take a return ticket, but stay home with his family.


Just as it is important to determine the goals and the path of development of relations, it is also important to stick to the chosen vector of actions. Most likely, your partner is also very difficult to see you every few months and to fry pancakes for breakfast alone. Patience and work not only grind everyone, but also help you cope with the situation yourself and help your partner. Film actors and rock stars of both sexes are the worst of them: there are almost no chances for a long productive relationship in the mode of constant touring and filming with all their temptations. In general, you understand. If possible, avoid long distance relationships with celebrities.

Watch the video: 6 Tips on Maintaining Long Distance Relationships (January 2025).

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