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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Piercing Constellation: A Fashionable Way to Beautify Your Ears

Piercing has long ceased to be specific subcultural entertainment - today a lot of very different people wear jewelry on different parts of the face and body. But if not all are resolved to punctures in the wings and septum of the nose (or even fingers), by the past summer literally turned into mass fashion. We tell how the "constellations" of tiny earrings have become popular and why piercing lovers should definitely pay attention to them.

Margarita Virova

How it started

In the American capitals of trends, New York and Los Angeles, the piercing came back into fashion a few years ago - and is definitely not going to leave it. You can see how the constellations of earrings look in instagrams of star piercing masters — for example, Ben Tauber and Brian Keith Thompson (Queen Bi and Scarlett Johansson herself are noticed among the clients of the latter). Punctures are made in all possible parts of the ears at the request of the client, and then suitable jewelry is selected: this is not just a functional piercing for wearing earrings, but the real work of a “stylist over the ears.” Such attention to trifles captivates many - no wonder that piercing-constellation has become the most popular service in American salons.

A few symmetrical (or vice versa) punctures in the earlobes or on cartilage are no longer exotic, such a piercing can be done in many places, even in Russia. What the American celebrity masters are doing is different from the ear piercing that we know, by an individual approach. The master chooses the places of punctures, the type and size of the jewelry so that the "constellation" fits well with the shape of the client's ears, his appearance and manner as a whole. The results, judging by the instagram-portfolio of masters, are even worth such work.

Why do you need it

Even if there is no one to engage in the image of your ears, you can’t call punctures in these parts of the body an inaccessible pleasure - you can think up how your “constellation” will look like personally. Cute jewelry for ear piercing can be found in fashionable indie jewelry brands, and in the store with the usual earrings made from medical materials. A big plus of piercing in the ears is that the punctures that were carefully made in case you get tired of everything and get tired of it, for most people it will grow without consequences. Be careful if your body has a tendency to form keloid scars: punctures are not at all desirable in this case.

How to do it

First of all, carefully select the salon and masters, ask how the piercing tools are sterilized and see the portfolio of the piercer you like. Consider the instagrams of the masters listed above, try to “try on” the earrings in the intended places for punctures, using clips or small self-adhesive rhinestones. It is not necessary to collect all the "constellation" in one trip to the master, especially if you are sensitive to pain - start with a couple of punctures, which will form the basis of the composition, and then act on inspiration.

Watch the video: We Got Custom Ear Piercings (January 2025).

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