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What are superfoods and why are they needed?

Dina Popova

curator of "Green Week" in Gorky Park

The term superfoods (it is not medical or scientific, by the way) when you hear it for the first time causes associations with molecular cuisine or food for astronauts in silver tubes, which replaces breakfast, lunch and dinner. In fact, we are talking about the products of the plant world, which have a high concentration of useful substances that are not found anywhere else in nature. But unlike food supplements, which are developed in sterile laboratories, the so-called "superfoods" exist on our planet for more than a thousand years, and only now, in the wake of a general passion for a healthy lifestyle, miraculous berries and roots from far corners of the world turned Look vegetarians, athletes, detox gurus and ... marketers.

How it all began

They were the first to talk about superfoods in the circles of raw foodists and vegans - apparently worried about their health, people who had abandoned almost a complete list of WHO recommendations began to look for a "magic pill" that would replace animal products. It was then that the master of nutrition and the ardent propagandist of the raw food movement David Wulf discovered products such as cocoa beans, spirulina algae, goji berries and acai around the world. The world happily picked up the news about the appearance of products with the promising slogan "feel better, looks younger, live longer", and along with the trend for the all natural, local and organic word "superfood" placed on the product packaging, began to increase sales and arouse the interest of consumers . In the European Union, it was even necessary to introduce a special law regulating the use of this term on products: since July 2007, all manufacturers wishing to write "superfood" on their packages must provide appropriate medical and scientific opinions. This phenomenon would have remained in a circle of narrowly focused parties, if such stars as Madonna, Sting and Gwyneth Paltrow did not begin to sing the praises to superfoods in their interviews to glossy and not-so editions.

Elena Shifrina CEO BioFoodLab, Take a BITE

I have always been interested in the topic of healthy eating, and I constantly look for opportunities to improve health, so the very first information I heard about superfoods, of course, interested me. I started reading about it, communicating with nutritionists, and finally found out that these are really very rich in nutrients, but definitely not a panacea and not “rejuvenating apples.” It is impossible to become healthy, focusing only on one thing - there must be a balance: proper nutrition (where at least 70% of the food will provide the body with living energy and vitamins), movement and the ability not to dwell on problems - then the body will reciprocate. Superfoods - rather, a bonus that will enhance the effect of all of the above and, of course, add energy, vitamins and minerals. I try to use this bonus wisely, adding raw cocoa beans, sometimes chia seeds or goji berries to my diet. When we were developing Bite, we had the idea to add goji berries to the bar, for example, but we realized that the mass audience was not ready for this yet. When the market for healthy food becomes larger, and people are more informed in this matter, we will definitely use superfoods in our products.

What are superfoods

Superfoods are products in which the concentration of nutrients exceeds all previously known indicators. They are a cross between food and medicine; According to the description and definition, they are more similar to biological additives, but still they are listed in a separate category. Superfoods are roots, seeds, leaves, algae, berries and other parts of plants, used both in natural and in the form of powders, juices and extracts. They grow, as a rule, in hard-to-reach places of the planet like Amazon and Tibet, but they don’t have to go so far: the most common products of this category are easy to order online or buy in health food stores. In their chemical composition, superfoods are not similar to the usual foods: off-scale concentration of protein, vitamins, minerals, essential acids, antioxidants and other nutrients with a minimum of calories is simply amazing. A list of diseases, which allegedly can be avoided by using "superfoods", can take up half of this article. In general, like a sailor Popey from the cartoon of the same name, you will become stronger, more energetic, stronger and healthier, using these wonderful products instead of the usual spinach. And now the beauty industry has taken them into service, and superfoods have moved from food shelves to jars with creams and shower gels.

Alina Ignatieva Coach for a healthy lifestyle and female hormone balance alinaignatieva.com

Superfood is a great marketing name that was introduced by the American pioneers of a healthy lifestyle. But despite the fact that the name is new, superfoods have always existed and in all cultures, so this is not about innovative supertablets, but about traditional natural products that have always existed in different countries to which we have access thanks to globalization. I use superfoods myself and recommend some of them to my clients depending on the situation. For example, maca is suitable for women in the first two weeks of the cycle, and in the last two weeks it is better to abstain, because poppy increases the level of estrogen, which is important only at the beginning of the cycle. There are always goji and chlorella berries in my closet. It is very important not to try to replace proper food with superfoods, but to use it as a supplement as an alternative source of vitamins and amino acids.


There is a downside, which you should not forget about when it comes to superfoods. All tests related to the identification of positive effects from their use are carried out in mice, and it is not yet known whether they are as useful to humans as the results of these studies convince us. The second point: the people in which the Western world spied the habit of eating superfoods for food are genetically predisposed to assimilating the nutrients from them, as they feed on them for a long time. So there is no guarantee that the organism of a Western person will assimilate these exotic roots and berries with the same success. And the result from the use of superfoods may not be immediately noticeable or not noticeable at all, which will not please those who for a decent amount (and superfoods, by the way, is not cheap) dreamed of getting a solution to their health problems here and now. In addition, the body can react to the use of these products in different ways: someone has an allergy, nausea, or digestive problems, which can ward off forever from experiments with superfoods. And the last thing: such products are only a supplement to food, but in no way case its replacement and not a quick way to get rid of extra pounds. You will not notice any effect from their use while continuing to eat fast food and soda while sitting on your favorite couch. So, scientists and doctors, speaking of superfoods, try not to distinguish them in a special category and recommend eating a balanced diet and leading a healthy lifestyle in general.

Ellen Verbeekchief editor of Yoga Journal Russia

Superfoods is simply a clever marketing name for some new healthy products, such as goji berries, quinoa, chia seeds, vitgrass, etc. It has never been scientifically proven that they help you improve your health (I myself have studied this topic a lot). But I use them, because I like them and I would like to believe that they are really useful. At the very least, green juices are certainly better than Coca-Cola.

The most famous superfoods

Goji berries

Bright red berries, similar to hard raisins, are primarily known for their rejuvenating and toning properties. A tablespoon of these berries contains one gram of protein, 36% of the daily requirement of vitamin A and only 18 calories. Goji contain a record amount of vitamin C (hundreds of times more than citrus), as well as essential polysaccharides and amino acids. Grow mainly in Asia, Mongolia and Central America.

Chia seeds

The pioneers of the miraculous properties of these little sesame-like seeds were the Aztecs and Mayas, who made chia their main crop. For many years, these seeds have been the main ration for the survival of the Aztec army. The essential fatty acids contained in chia are no longer found in such a concentration anywhere in nature, and the amount of antioxidants is much higher than in blueberries and other known berries. In addition, chia is rich in iron, vitamins, minerals, zinc and potassium. Due to the fact that these seeds are able to swell and increase in volume, they come in contact with liquid (they absorb 10 times more water than their own weight), they are often used in puddings and as egg substitutes in vegan desserts.


Spirulina, a blue-green microalga, became world-famous in the late 1990s, when many people began to switch to a vegetable diet and the question arose of a reliable source of high-grade protein. Then, studies that found vitamin B12 in spirulina (the deficit of which, as is commonly believed, all vegans suffer) and high protein content came in very handy: tablets and capsules with blue-green algae began to scatter like hot cakes. Now it is Spirulina that is the best-selling superfood, and even special farms are created for its breeding.

Cocoa beans

Cocoa beans are the original raw material from which all chocolate products known to us are made. But unlike industrial analogues, which contain fat, milk and sugar, raw cocoa beans will lift your spirits without unpleasant consequences. In addition, they contain iron and magnesium, and there are 20 times more antioxidants than green tea. In its raw form, cocoa beans taste a little bitter and resemble coffee grains to taste, so that they are most often added to energy bars and smoothies.


About the beneficial properties of Acai berries growing in northern South America, scientists learned only in 2004, during an expedition to the Amazon rainforest. Drawing attention to the excellent physical performance of middle-aged already Aboriginal people, scientists wanted to know their secret and began to analyze the diet of local residents. It soon became clear that the fault was small dark purple berries, which they consume daily in large quantities. In addition to antioxidants, which in Acai record number, scientists have discovered many other nutrients, such as essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and fiber. After the review article of The Telegraph in 2007, the name “youthberry” firmly stuck to Acai, and many scientists seriously believe that with this berry it is possible to prolong beauty, health and youth. Since the berry cannot be delivered fresh, it is frozen, sublimated or powdered before transportation, which can then be added to yogurt, desserts and cocktails.

Ivan Dubkov Dream Industries Nutrition Specialist

I first learned about superfoods a little more than a year ago at a lecture by a well-known syroed and propagandist of vegan food. Then the lecturer was skeptical about the value of these additives due to poor digestibility (all these products are either dried or sublimated, so their ability to positively affect the body decreases), but he did not find anything wrong with their application. I have tried many superfoods: propolis, spirulina algae, raw cocoa beans, chia seeds and others. I can not say that I found a pronounced effect on their use, but I also did not find it from the use of multivitamin complexes. In any case, I like that, unlike the latter, superfoods are absolutely natural, as a rule, they are labeled "bio" and very tasty. Their color and texture can give a bright touch to dishes and drinks, but for me as a professional in the gastronomic field this is of great importance.

As for the price and how it is justified, depends on the specific cases. I would not recommend buying coconut sugar, which is positioned as superfood (mainly because of its low glycemic index) and sell for 500 rubles for 250 grams, this is robbery. But at the same time, I can advise vitgrass to those who do not have the opportunity to consume a lot of fresh greens (in vitgrass a record amount of chlorophyll).

PHOTO: www.wellnessdocshop.com, www.richnature.com, www.shop.planetbio.eu, www.begoodorganics.com, www.gaiaherbs.com

Watch the video: 4 Important Superfoods You NEED to Eat (May 2024).

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