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Editor'S Choice - 2024


We all watched fascinated more than once how easily beauty bloggers make their own fire smoke and glue eyelashes in seconds - but they are painted every day and a lot, so nothing surprising. We decided to find out whether everyone would be able to repeat the makeup from the tutorials, and chose five different video tutorials for this — but so that each of the participants had to do something for the first time.

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Most likely, you already know something about menstrual cups: we talked about them in great material. Of the benefits - environmental friendliness, convenience and no leakage. They have already been assigned a separate Telegram channel, and a small survey allows you to understand almost everything. We decided to check whether the general enthusiasm was fair, bought five bowls and tried to spend the next monthly periods with them.

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Of course, I got the first lipstick at school, and in the first and second year I chose the cosmetics myself with pleasure. Nevertheless, despite the love of makeup and the opportunity to work on the set as an assistant make-up artist, until recently I rarely painted myself and did not know that I like to paint on the face.

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It seems that stretching is a new run: in addition to specialized classes in fitness centers, entire stretching schools, regular and online, are opening. Stretching is presented as an alternative to any other workout, a way to improve your back and posture, normalize your weight and "learn to control your body," whatever that means.

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In the EXPERIMENT RUBRIC, the Wonderzine editorial board recreates the extreme life situations that girls get into and tests various cosmetics (and not only). Along with other attractive features, matte lipstick is attributed to excellent durability - we decided to check it out this time.

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The ability to express oneself by creating a unique design based on well-known and popular shoe models is the future of sneaker fashion. Many brands already offer an online customization service: with the help of a special aggregator, you can create a new pair of sneakers on the site in just two minutes. Some brands offer only a choice of color combinations - for example, laces, soles and warp; others allow you to combine materials like suede, smooth leather and textiles to your taste and even choose the “style” of the side trim.

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Anna Aristova In the usual system of coordinates, people are divided into two types: those who wake up more or less easily in the morning, and those who raise themselves out of bed are disastrous. Many of us shudder at the thought of having to get out from under a warm blanket when it is night and cold outside. Agree, early awakening in the summer in good weather is much easier.

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As they say in a joke popular this year, “the end of December is the feeling of an approaching deadline.” In order to make the list of accumulated cases a little easier, we suggest thinking of a pleasant one in advance - yes, we are on the New Year's attire. What stylists recommend on this matter and how we have assembled a spectacular image in mass-market stores, we have already told.

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Indecision someday I was finished. I can spend hours hanging around the store at the shelves of shampoos, deciding which one to choose. I will wind up circles in thought until the consultants start drilling me with a glance or it turns out that I blocked the way for other buyers. In general, a little pleasant.

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Reality shows continue to interest us both as a gilty plozhe and as a pop cultural phenomenon. Therefore, past the first Russian adaptation of “Bachelorette” (with, by the way, a more ironic name) with Olga Buzova, the princess sitting on the throne, the editorial board could not pass. Did the Russian star number one succeed in changing the rules of a sexist show?

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At home and in offices, heating is scuffing, and that means that everything that can dry does it with catastrophic speed. We chose five hand creams, in which we see the only skin rescue from dry air and frost, and tested their moisturizing properties and absorption rate. Before leaving the prints, we left each cream in our hands for about 30 seconds - we are ready to postpone office work for about that much, then to rush back to the keyboard.

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To cut out at least half an hour for applying varnish is not possible for everyone and not always. We decided to find out if it would turn out to carefully paint the nails on the road, and asked to make it a familiar girl who, under normal conditions, paints her nails well. In the car For some reason, I was sure that the machine was the most convenient place for a quick manicure.

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My fitness regime includes about six workouts per week: Thai boxing, yoga, jogging and functional training with its own weight. All this gives a satisfactory effect, but dinners at three o'clock in the morning and a nagging pain in the body because of the sedentary work has not been canceled. In search of new sporting sensations, I visited the site of the EMC training studio several times, and each time I was discouraged by photos of people in retro-futuristic costumes, frozen by the simulator in a half-ride.

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We all have our own ideas about what it means to dress beautifully, and even more so about what clothes we wear. At the same time, we are not always able to remain objective to ourselves and try new things: someone stubbornly does not wear short skirts, because they are dissatisfied with the shape of their legs, others avoid white things, because they are sure that this color is getting fat (nonsense!

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We wrote that long nails are back in fashion - now you can even wear overhead, which until recently was considered vulgar. But the question of aesthetics is not the only one that arises in talking about artificial nails - many are stopped by the fact that they are very uncomfortable to wear. We decided to check how Lanochka and Rihanna live and stuck long nails to herself - there were a lot of impressions.

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Fashion recently sharply headed for comfort, unpretentiousness and self-irony - it’s no secret that now designers carefully study the style of residents of large cities and adapt to their needs, and not vice versa. And the requests are clear. In an accelerated pace of life, we first need to feel comfortable and relaxed: we simply no longer have the strength or desire to spend 12 hours a day on heels and correct makeup several times a day, trying to match how a woman should “look” .

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AFTER EXPERIMENT #WASHYOURROUTINE with the participation of bright makeup in everyday life, I wanted to continue exploring my “routine” - those very “unimportant” trivia that have reached automatism, but at the same time have a serious influence on self-awareness. My new relationship with the person demanded a creative approach, and I eagerly looked for new colors - until I caught myself thinking that I didn’t see pink at close range.

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One of the best films of the last year, “Force Majeure” by Ruben Estlund, took the Russian release and took the jury prize in the Cannes program “A Special Look”. This is the story of an exemplary married couple who went to a ski resort and suddenly got into an extreme situation. "Force Majeure" calls into question the familiar roles in the family, suggests thinking about the concept of masculinity and traditional expectations from a partner.

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