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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Firstly, it is beautiful: Instagram, in which they crumple and cut for pleasure

alexander savina 

Over the past couple of years, the genre of video has gained popularity on Instagram. "oddly satisfying" are weird videos that soothe and bring satisfaction; some even consider them a subgenre ASMR video. It’s easier to see once than to describe: their content sounds strange in words - hundreds of thousands of people are ready to watch kinetic sand figurines cut, bath bombs dissolve in water, or someone rubs hands gum - yes, there are those too. We have collected several accounts with different videos, over which you can safely stick all the upcoming weekend.

Kinetic sand

Kinetic sand is a children's toy: outwardly resembling wet sea, in fact it remains dry, keeps its shape perfectly, and still crumbles very nicely - just as “alive” (hence the name “kinetic”, that is, in motion). Authors of accounts like @ sand.tagious, @ sand.isfying or @ sandyy.world build shapes of multi-colored sand, then cut them into pieces with a knife, scrape them with a spoon and destroy them in all possible ways.

Gum for hands

Chewing gum (in English it is called slime, that is, "mucus") is another popular children's toy, similar to plasticine. Instagram has several accounts with hundreds of thousands of subscribers (@waveslimes, @ rad.slime, @slimequeeens or @ honey.guts), whose authors crumple gum, poke it with their fingers, add glitter and other things. Watch with sound.

the fire

Another important genre is work with fire. The creator of the @ watch.it.melt account, for example, melts objects or cuts them in two with a red-hot knife - most often it looks frightening, but sometimes, like, for example, with marshmallow - it's nice. @ tito4re with burning copper burns objects, and at @thingstoburn you can see how things are burning. The main thing - do not try to repeat it at home.

Hydraulic Press

In the @hydraulic_press_best account, they collect rollers, where with the help of a hydraulic press they squeeze a variety of objects - from the Nutella can to the bowling ball and the BB8 figures; for some reason, in this case, they are especially pitiful. The recommendations are the same: do not try to do it yourself.

Mixing colors

Little that soothes, as viewing videos, where they mix paint. It is easiest to observe the process in the accounts of artists, for example @annettelabedzki or @literaturechild, but there are also special ones - like @paintvideos. The meditative instagram of the paint workshop @vasari_oil_paint deserves special attention.

Rubber toys

Not the most popular genre, but nonetheless: there are accounts whose authors squeeze rubber toys and then watch how they gradually return to their normal state. The most popular is @ rainbow.squishies.

Bath bombs

Bath bombs are good on their own (besides they smell delicious), but a separate pleasure is to watch them dissolve in water. This can be done in the accounts of stores or fans of Lush - known and not so.

Watch the video: 17 Glue Hacks and Crafts Crafting Life Hacks (April 2024).

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