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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Mag + Art: Collages from gloss and painting

One of our favorite workbenches this week is the Mag + Art project of Philippine media artist Eisen Bernard, who works during the working hours at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and in his spare time he bridges the gap between visual arts and popular culture. The reception that he uses is very simple, but no less effective, besides, he requires remarkable erudition from the author in the field of fine art: using simplest manipulations in Photoshop, he places stars from the covers of glossy magazines on the canvases of famous painters. So Jamie Dornan becomes Saint Sebastien, and Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring" with Kira Knightley's face lights a cigarette. Impossible to break away.

More works by the artist can be found here.

Watch the video: Art Collage Process using Magazine Cut Outs Maremi's Small Art (June 2024).

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